Published: Jul 6, 2022 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleMrs. Pa Nary, a broiler producer in Sotnikum District in Siem Reap, decided to join the RECOVER project in June 2021 when our team conducted promotional campaign in the project’s target communities in Siem Reap. Having her small family business disrupted due to COVID-19 and due to the loss of her father, she then decided to explore into the chicken raising business to generate another income stream.

She used to supply broilers to market only when the chicken grows big enough, and each harvest was only a few kilograms, very small amount compared to now. For chicken to grow big enough to be sold, it took four to six months, and for this period, she earned only 20,0000 KHR at most.
Before RECOVER project intervention, she was not aware of proper techniques such as chicken coop construction, disease control, standard feed production, and financial record, among others. This, as a result, did not offer her a good profit, which gave her no interest in scaling up her business at all. Now, with the project support on new coop construction, rotatory raising innovation, feeding, disease control measures as well as some matching-grant support, she can increase from 30 to almost 300 chickens for her broiler business.
With proper techniques following technical training, she was able to harvest up to 180KG of chicken in just 3 months and earned approximately 2.8 million KHR. The profit from this income was 800,000 KHR. Compared to before, it took her almost half a year to earn 25% of the amount she earns now.
She can reduce expense and increase profit by learning more about expense and profit analysis and feed production. Expense on chicken feed production; for instance, decreased at a good amount after being trained and guided by the project team. Mixing feed with natural ingredient gives chicken more nutrients and spend less than consuming entire processed feed from the market.
‘Before, within a month, I spent up to 380,000 KHR on chicken feed. Now, with an addition of natural ingredients, it helps reduce up to 100,000 KHR per month,’ says Nary. For a business, any amount means so much when it comes to expense and profit, especially for a small business owner like Nary.
In addition to harvesting more products and reducing input expenses, supplying the market is even easier and faster with the facilitation of Agricultural Cooperatives. ‘It helps save us time and energy compared to identifying our own customers,’ she stresses. ‘We always know how much chicken is demanded. Even better, with any issues I face, I can always reach out to farmer trainers or the RECOVER team,’ Nary adds.
Now, she is raising between 250 and 300 hens and roosters. In 3 or 5 years, she hopes to increase her flock to 600 chickens. ‘I am indeed grateful for the project support. Our family’s livelihood has improved with this new income line. I also hope to resume my old business soon, so our family’s finances can grow better,’ she concludes.
The RECOVER project is funded by the European Union in Cambodia and the Czech Republic Development Agency (CzDA). The content in this article is the sole responsibility of People in Need (PIN) and its project partners within the consortium and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and Czech Republic Development Agency.