RECOVER project conducted the “Provincial livestock fair”

Published: Nov 28, 2022 Reading time: 2 minutes
RECOVER project conducted the “Provincial livestock fair”
© Photo: PIN Cambodia

The "RECOVER: Rural Employment for COVID-19 Economic Recovery" project is a three-year project funded by the European Union and the Czech Republic Development Agency (CzDA), which aims to respond to the impacts of COVID19 on multiple rural groups along the Cambodian Tonle Sap Region which strongly focuses on promoting inclusive employment and income for the affected groups through the improvement of the horticulture and poultry farming sectors.

Since 2021, the project has been working with 29 Agriculture Cooperatives and has formed 116 groups with a total of 2900 members. They are working to improve their livestock (local chicken), through a market system approach (MSD) with various potential actors in purpose to run smoothly for chicken production.

In order to promote the local chicken including related products of agriculture cooperatives (ACs) to users and to enlarge the scale of sales, and to strengthen the capacity of supplying for communities, a provincial livestock fair was conducted. This event will help effectively advertise the available tools and share useful knowledge to both producers and consumers. This event will be conducted this year for the following target provinces.

  • On 2nd December 2022 in Kompong Chhang Province
  • On 08th December 2022 in Siem Reap Province
  • On 10th December 2022 in Pursat Province
  • On 16th December 2022 in Kompong Thom Province
  • On 23rd-24th December 2022 in Battambang Province

The event provides space for producer groups to show their product's technical practices standard and its quality to buyers and relevant stakeholders of poultry value chain actors. Hopefully, the buyers understand more about the products and open space for business collaborations in the future,” shares Bunnara Chourn, Program Manager, People in Need Cambodia.

In this event, we hope that people in the provinces will better know the brand of the local chicken from each target community. We also hope that the agriculture cooperatives (ACs) are able to sell their various products during the event and seek to cooperate between buyer with ACs for long-term business.  

Further information, please contact:

Mr. Nget Vibol, CIRD Project Coordinator via 092 627 833 

Mr. Chourn Bunnara, PIN Livelihood Program Manager, 077 243 666

The content is the sole responsibility of People in Need (PIN) and its project partners within the consortium and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union and Czech Republic Development Agency. 

Author: Senghorng Sem, PIN Cambodia Communication Assistance

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