Homemade feed reduces production cost and gain more profit for chicken raising.

Published: Feb 20, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes

Mrs. Ouk Neam, 45 years old with chicken living in Sre Chong village, Sandan commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province. She is a producer group’s member who joined Dev4SCALE project since 2022. In addition to raising chickens, she has agricultural occupations such as growing cassava, and raising buffalo.

Homemade feed reduces production cost and gain more profit for chicken raising.
© Photo: PIN Cambodia

Before joining with the project, she also managed her small chicken farm, but he had never been equipped with any proper skills on chick raising which did not offer her any profit. 

In February 2022, after the project staff promoted the project and selected farmers to join with Dev4SCALE project, Mr. Srey Theam registered (her husband) as Producer Group members and she always attends training course on business planning, poultry raising techniques, and other project meetings. She has received some materials support from the project such as water container, feed trough, disinfectants, fencing nets, and 70 chicks to run her raising chicken with his own investment, such as building four blocks of chicken pen and preparing land for fodder coops.

During the past three months, she has applied the techniques he learned from the project, such as farm management, feeding, taking care of chickens, hygiene, prevention and treatment, along with technical support and coaching from project staff. The first time that she sold her 70 raised chickens, she earned approximately 1.2 KHR millions, equivalent to 70KG, and the remaining 10 chickens are kept for her family consumption, which costs a total of 610,000 riels.

After the first harvest, she bought 100 chickens in early December 2022 and plans to buy another 100 chickens in mid-January 2023 to raise continuously. In addition, she plans to reduce production costs significantly, such as: making protein feed (fermented fish), vitamins from fruit and natural medicine from ginger and garlics, and especially growing fodder crop such as: walnuts, acacia, cabbage and radish around the house and using project feed mixing techniques. She has yet to complete the second harvest, but the profit is expected to be higher as her chicken has grown from 70 to 100. 

In addition to having proper raising techniques and generating more income, keeping records and tracking business expenses is an advantage forher business. She always shares her knowledge about how to raise chickens and techniques on raising chickens to her neighbors and members to earn income, especially encourage them to attend the meeting and training as much as they can, Neam says.

“I am indeed grateful for the project support. Our family’s livelihood has improved with this new income source, Neam concludes.

Author: Senghorng Sem, PIN Cambodia Communications Assistant

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